September 2012

dividing line
Essex Drinking Time Machine – the sobering truth

Essex Drinking Time Machine – the sobering truth

13 September 2012

Would we be less inclined to consume as much alcohol if we could see ourselves in 10 years’ time? alcoHELP believes the answer is yes and has launched the ‘Change My Face’ Drinking Time Machine 

The face-ageing technology developed by Auriole Prince, who trained as a forensic artist with the Missing People Charity, will be used by schools throughout Essex to show young people the potential effect drinking could have on their facial appearance.

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Essex teenagers shocked by dangers of binge drinking

Essex teenagers shocked by dangers of binge drinking

13 September 2012

The Essex Chronicle took to the streets to find out what teenagers thought about alcoHELP's newly launched Drinking Time Machine, that ages your picture to show what you would look like if you drank alcohol over ten years. Too much of a reality for many!



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Braintree Times: Software shows how binge drinking ages you

Braintree Times: Software shows how binge drinking ages you

13 September 2012

The Braintree & Witham Times recently covered news on alcoHELP's introduction of its Drinking Time Machine app.



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