General News

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Free Infographic in support of #21billion alcohol campaign

Free Infographic in support of #21billion alcohol campaign

01 September 2014

As a charity that has been working to inform school-aged children in Essex about the dangers alcohol for 10 years, we are growing increasingly concerned about the availability of cheap alcohol and alarming levels of alcohol misuse.

As such, we support Alcohol Health Alliance in their #21billion campaign to introduce measures to tackle the problem.

This free infographic available to share shows the true extent of the problems and what the Government can do to address these issues. 

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AlcoHelp celebrating £17,000 funding boost

AlcoHelp celebrating £17,000 funding boost

13 August 2014

AlcoHELP is celebrating after receiving £17,000 worth of funding to support their work to teach children across Essex about the dangers of alcohol and other substances.



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alcoHELP trustee speaks out on NekNominate

alcoHELP trustee speaks out on NekNominate

11 February 2014

Terry Martin, Trustee of alcoHELP has spoken out against the drinking game NekNominate, following the death of a former Essex schoolboy.

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